i'll be the first to admit that i have a very odd relationship with someone i previously dated.
aka: i'm friends with my ex.
it happens right?
or maybe we're just lucky that way.
anyway. he's still the first person i message when i've got something to share. whether it's a funny story from work, a disappointing date, a stubborn bowel movement or just a silly movie reference.
i know he reads this thing too. that little creep. he likes to keep up on how disastrous my dating scene has been after i dumped him. he gets a kick out of it. he's sick like that.
he mentioned recently, that he was embarrassed to have dated someone like me. or maybe he said, he was embarrassed to have dated me. not someone like me, just me. i can't remember now. sorry.
but oh how the tables have turned. now he's the one that's embarrassed for me.
i might usually take a comment like this very personally. but let's be real. this is coming from a man who refers to his own mother as Trish Delish.
you better not let your father hear you talking like that. perv.
and yes, Oedipus, i am referring to you.
i'm glad we're friends. sort of.