Friday, July 12, 2013

keyword search

behind the scenes here at Single in The City By The Bay, i am able to see what search terms are used most often that result in a person stumbling across my online diary blog.

& the most used word in my keyword search is...

drumroll please...

...Cuddle Fish.

cuddle fish.
cuddle fish.

can you believe that?

cuddle fish.

the more i say it the weirder it gets.

cuddle fish.

that term yeilds higher page views than i would have imagined.

like, ever. 

so thank you, Mr. Cuddle Fish, for my internet popularity.

and to all those innocent internet bystanders researching obscure marine life, minding their own beeswax, who happen to stumble upon this mess that i call my life, 

sorry that i'm not sorry.