Remember that whole online-dating profile thing I set up?
Well, I finally got a hit that wasn't a total f-ing weirdo. thankfully. it was about time.
I grabbed dinner with Mr. LA last week.
a few things:
as my mother so kindly reminds me, I was born 2 weeks late. aaand I haven't shown up to a thing on time since. this date was no exception.
mexican restaurants = gas all night. isn't that the general rule?
Mr. LA's profile picture was only slightly deceiving. ...but he was super fun and easy to talk to. a perfect candidate for The Friend Zone.
I didn't order a drink. I spent the entire night wishing I had - slash - fantasizing about elaborate ways to get one.
I wouldn't say this reflected so much on his conversational skills, as it does on my obvious alcohol dependency.
so, that's that.