So hopefully you can tell by now, I'm a girl who knows what she wants... or just a shallow bitch.
Regardless, let's chat about profile pictures.
Because we humans are just visual, physical creatures, I rank profile pictures as the number one indicator as to whether or not I will be pursing a potential suitor.
If the profile is a 'personal ad' (which it is), then pictures are essentially a large part of the marketing scheme. The best part is, you get to choose which pictures go up on your profile. This allows you an opportunity to post the most flattering pictures of yourself that you possibly have.
Having said that, I can tell by profile pictures alone, why some of these men are still on the dating market.
Sorry fellas, but you are so not getting a date if...
- none of your pictures look like they are even of the same person
- you're wearing sunglasses in every picture
- your picture is of you, eating a corn dog
- your picture is you wearing eyeliner, no clothes and a party hat covering up your wiener. I really wish I was joking about this one.
- you're flipping off the camera
- you're sipping on a fruity cocktail
- you've got a beer in both hands (you stay classy, San Diego)
- you're kissing another woman
- you photoshopped yourself sitting on a unicorn
- you're sporting a 'rock on' hand signal
- you're wearing a halloween costume
- your tongue is sticking out
- you're dressed as a woman
- you're wearing facepaint
- you're smoking (or rolling) a doobie
- you're holding a gun/knife/samurai sword/nun chucks or ANY OTHER WEAPON
or if these are your pictures: