Thursday, July 19, 2012

Stamos: Round 1

Is there anymore more fun than a first date?

But have you ever had to almost call off a first date for any of the following reasons:
a. you hated all of your clothes
b. the stress caused your adult acne come out of hiding
c. your hair wouldn't listen to you because it wears the pants in your relationship

This scenario may otherwise be referred to as an E! Fashion Emergency.


Oh right. Yah, me neither....

I finally decided on that short little brown polka-dot number from Nordstrom. (BFF you know what I'm talking about.) and the red heels. They're my fav. obvi.

Well I showed up late, naturally. 
I had John Stamos waiting almost 20 minutes. 
I'm a real winner. 

The cab ride over made me feel car sick. 
Most cab rides make me feel car sick.

As I've mentioned before, there are certain criteria involved when analyzing whether I will or will not call a date back. All of these things can be assessed within the first 10 minutes:

- you tell me I look nice : check!
- we maintain a good conversation : check!
- you offer to pay : check!
- you make me laugh : check!
- you're dressed appropriately : check!
- you're cute as hell : double check!

Stamos, you passed the test.

Oh and dinner was delicious.

I know you're dying to hear all the dirty deets, but I'm not one to kiss and tell.

Uh except for yes I absolutely am so let's get this party started.

Is there anything more sexy than a man with a clean apartment? Except maybe Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall, but that goes without saying.

Putting that aside, let's talk something very serious.

samurai. swords. in. the. living. room.

yes friends, you read that correctly.

I'm not sure which was more intimidating, the swords or his massive shoe collection. I was traumatized by both.

Yes, it was a sleepless night. thanks for asking. and I already know what you're thinking. So I'll set the record straight right now. The night was sleepless not from the bow-chikka-wow-wow. But from someone's snoring. 

Hint. It was not my own.

way to go, Stamos.

good thing you're cute as hell.