user names say just as much about a person, if not more, than their profile pictures.
redneckman: pass...
satanicgod666: I'm scared. no, really.
twilightfan_85: Yep. I'm sure you are.
circusasaurus: alrighty, not here to date clowns. sorry bud.
i_am_so_gangsta: sir I can assure you, you are not nearly as gangsta as you think.
2drunk2fuk: so I can already see how our first date will end.
hunchbackman: is this really how you chose to describe yourself?
super_decent: well, which are you? super or decent?
humorouz: the way you spelled humorous practically guarantees me that you are in fact, not funny
fizzixteacher: makes me thankful you aren't an engrishteecha
TheFunnest1: you'd be more fun if you learned how to use correct English
artfulslacker: you sound like the responsible, future-husband type.
imhittingonyou: I've noticed. and what I'm doing is called ignoring you.
chess314: It seems that I've already figured out your favorite pasttime, and the answer is no.
ImAGingerKid: no offence but yikes.
RunAwayFromMe: don't mind if I do
matlockmystery: somehow though, it is no mystery to me why you're available, Matlock.
kobebryant168: one million dollars says that is NOT your real name. liar.
numbnutnation: so is sex out of the question then, numb nuts?
MachoHelloKitty: don't care how macho you are, I say no.
I_Just_Strut: are you a rooster?
onesmarthuman: doubtful.
koolatron: hardly.
CastN0Shadow: yeah ok, Peter Pan
BaBaMeezy: have you any wool? yes sir, yes sir three bags full.
nedrocks: no, he doesn't.
TheGoop: is that a new STD?
dorkusmalorckus: are you seriously wondering why you're single?
hardcuddles: sounds uncomfortable
hornchampion: band nerd alert
iLoveCrepes: and iHateCreeps
TouchMyHair: what? no.
DoOrDonut: wft is a door donut?
aintnotben: double negatives are SO not a turn-on, Ben.
Not-From-MarsSF: but somehow you still strike me as the alien type
_Dr._Acula: nope, not into vampires
urescapefromlyf: I'm pretty sure urondrugzz
Man-O-LoveTaco: no words for this. literally.
Matt_is_a_Geek: Matt is also available, ladies
sapfest: did you by chance enjoy The Notebook?
SanFranPsyko: I will call the cops if you contact me.
seekingbromance: then I'm not quite sure why you're on this site...
LurkonMe1Time: sir, I will lurk on you no times
RhymeswithBay: hmmm... hay, stay, fray, ga-whoah wait a sec!
LeBronsTattoo: I doubt Lebron has you tattooed anywhere on his body.
iheartmarvel: no.
nerdnasty: you sound like my type of guy, you nasty nerd.
thrusty: translation=horny.
snugglesauras: how old are you, 4?
impregnatortron: o.m.g. WTF
any name containing the word dude or the number 69 was, and will continue to be, strictly ignored.
Oh, and you 'mrfuckface', well, you can go F yourself.