Thursday, July 12, 2012

you really aught to try...

Alright, so my favorite part about being single is getting dating advice from my friends. Like they even know what the hell they're talking about...omg jk lolcatz luv U guyz

The best line lately was,
"you just gotta get out there - be active!"

Like I'm not active already. Beyonce please.

So to 'get out there' I ventured to Starbucks to get some work done. Work being a very generous term of course. Spying is really what I set out to do.

I carefully planned out my outfit :

college alumni shirt - to look relaxed
the fake glasses - to look intelligent
jeans - no explanation
moccasins - to look hip
laptop, textbooks, highlighters - whatever.

I sat at Starbucks for 2 hours, spying on anyone and everyone.

These are my observations:

- no cute baristas
- this location is a popular hangout for the geriatric types. aka old people.
- every attractive man who came in had a woman on his arm. oooor another man.
- every non-attractive man was, well, not attractive.
- every woman who came in had on cute yoga pants, which immediately made me self conscious.
- my reflection made me realize I looked more like a disgruntled Liz Lemon than the sexy-grad-student look I was so desperately trying for.

Or perhaps I didn't get approached because I looked too busy. too intelligent, too untouchable.
I probably should've gone into acting if that's the case.

I know if you were here you'd pat me on the back and tell me "Better luck next time, champ".
That's why we're such good friends.